Apex Spine is a Non-Surgical, Active form of spinal decompression that allows the spine to stretch and decompress while movement and therapies are simultaneously applied. The result? One research study showed an almost 40% reduction in pain after the first visit. Another study showed that nearly 90% of patients who use this therapy report improvement in their symptoms after only a few visits. Many patients who have tried physical therapy, chiropractic, injection therapy, and even surgery with limited results, have often reported less pain and a better quality of life. If you suffer from neck or back pain, disc bulge or herniation, sciatic pain, arm or leg pain or have tried other therapies with only limited results, try Apex Spine. For many people, it is the life changer they have been waiting for.
If you suffer from back pain, neck pain, sciatic pain, pain from bulging or herniated discs, headaches, or other spine related issues, Apex Spine may be the right choice for you. Many of our patients have tried everything else and feel they have run out of options. Often, Apex Spine is the answer they were looking for. Our reputation depends on positive results and happy patients. We are covered by most insurances and have easy payment options. Stop living in pain. Give us a call or click the box on the right to get started.
Apex Spine is unique in the Inland Northwest for Non-Surgical, Active spinal decompression. There is nothing else quite like it. Our doctors and staff have years of experience in spine related health care fields serving our local community for over 30 years. You will find our staff professional, friendly, and accommodating.